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Obba moricandi moricandi - Pfeiffer, 1842
Philippines. Sibuyan island. May 2005.
F+  /  27mm
small chips in lip
2.00 EUR
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Obba moricandi moricandi - Pfeiffer, 1842
Philippines. Sibuyan island. May 2005.
F++  /  26mm
2.00 EUR
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Papuina aff. pileus
Indonesia. S of Moluccas. Aru Island. February 2005.
F++  /  31mm
Looks like the one in Dharma (2005), but these seem to have fewer whorls. Anyone in for a photo ID?
10.00 EUR
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Papuina cf. labium - Ferussac, 1822
Papua New Guinea. WPNG. Sorong. Triminabuan island. July 2000.
F++  /  32mm
10.00 EUR
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Papuina fringilla - Pfeiffer, 1855
Solomon Islands. New Georgia. Munda area. Leg. A. Delsaerdt. April 2005.
F  /  22mm
ugly scar on base
4.00 EUR
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Papuina hedleyi - Smith, 1892
Indonesia. Irian Jaya. Fak Fak. July 2003.
F++  /  32mm
45.00 EUR
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Papuina labium - Ferussac, 1822
Indonesia. W Papua. Sarong Triminabuan island. June 2003.
F+  /  33mm
10.00 EUR
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Phoenicobius aratus - (Sowerby, 1841)
Philippines. Mactan island. April 2009.
F+  /  40mm
Edge of lip imperfect
4.00 EUR
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Planispira exceptiuncula - (Ferussac, 1821)
Indonesia. Moluccas. S Halmahera island. July 2005.
F++  /  23mm
10.00 EUR
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Planispira exceptuncula - (Ferussac, 1821)
Indonesia. Moluccas. S Halmahera island. July 2005.
F++  /  23mm
Different patterns.
10.00 EUR
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Planispira zonaria - (Linnaeus, 1767)
Indonesia. Moluccas. Halamahera island. July 2003.
F+/F+++  /  23-27mm
Some w/traces of perio.
9.00 EUR
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Polydontes perplexa - (Ferussac, 1821)
Martinique. NWM. From old collection.
F-  /  15-23mm
2.00 EUR
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Rhagada species
Indonesia. Halmahera island. June 2010.
F+/Gem  /  23-25mm
5.00 EUR
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Zachrysiaa provisoria - Pfeiffer, 1858
Cuba. Villa Clara. October 2002. Leg. Joze Fernandez.
F+  /  27mm
2.50 EUR