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Amyclina cornicula - (Olivi, 1792)
Italy. Sicily. Siracusa. January 1978.
F++ / 12mm
2.00 EUR
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Antillophos dedonderi - Fraussen and Poppe, 2005
Philippines. Mactan island. Punta Engano. Trawled at 180-250m. May 2011.
F+ / 16mm
4.00 EUR
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Antillophos hirasei - (Sowerby, 1913)
Philippines. Olango Island. Tingo Point. Trawled at 500m. May 2016.
F++ / 21mm
5.00 EUR
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Antillophos hirasei - (Sowerby, 1913)
Philippines. Aliguay Island. In tangle nets at60-120 m. June 2010.
F++ / 24mm
1.00 EUR
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Antillophos hirasei - (Sowerby, 1913)
China. East China Sea. Zheijang province. Trawled at 200m. April 2014.
F+++ / 34mm
5.00 EUR
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Antillophos hirasei - Sowerby, 1913
Philippines. Mactan Island. By tangle net at 80m. June 2004
F++ / 26mm
5.00 EUR
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Antillophos makiyamai - (Kuroda, 1961)
Philippines. Camotes Islands. In tangle nets at 60-120m. June 2010.
F++ / 29mm
1.00 EUR
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Antillophos varicosus - (Gould, 1849)
Philippines. Mindanao. Aliguay island. November 2003.
F+ / 23mm
lip slightly rough
3.00 EUR
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Antillophos veraguensis - (Hinds, 1843)
Mexico. WM. off Guaymas. Dredged at 150m. September 2010.
F++ / 28mm
3.50 EUR
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Antillophos veraguensis - (Hinds, 1843)
Mexico. WM. Mazatlan. Dredged at 60-100m. August 1974.
F+ / 34mm
w/o. w/perio. A little rough.
3.50 EUR
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Buccinanops cochlidium - (Dillwyn, 1817)
Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre. May 2003.
F+ / 66mm
14.00 EUR
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Buccinanops deformis - (King & Broderip, 1832)
Uruguay. S of Isla de los Lobos. Dredged.April 1979.
F+ / 22-23mm
w/o. Backs rather rough.
4.00 EUR
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Buccinanops deformis - (King and Broderip, 1832)
Argentina. Buenos Aires province. San Bernardo. In sand at low tide. August 1993.
F+ / 30-31mm
4.00 EUR
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Buccinanops duartei - Klappenbach, 1961
Uruguay. La Rocha. Parque nacional de StaTeresa. April 1969.
F++ / 29mm
2.00 EUR
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Buccinanops duartei - Klappenbach, 1961
Argentina. Buenos Aires province. SanBernardo. In sand at low tide. April 1998.
F+/F+++ / 30-32mm
2.00 EUR