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Zoila thersites thersites - (Gaskoin, 1849)
Australia. SA. Edithburgh. Dived on sponges at 10m. February 1990.
F++ / 72mm
Bulbous. Small irregularity just above base.
120.00 EUR
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Zoila thersites thersites - (Gaskoin, 1849)
Australia. SA. Edithburgh. Dived on sponges at 10m. February 1990.
F++ / 70.4mm
120.00 EUR
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Zoila thersites thersites fma atrata - Sulliiotti, 1924
Australia. SA. Pine Point. Dived at 20-25m. 1980.
F+++ / 73mm
Densely spotted with dark reddish brown overcast. Looks a bit 'flattened', hence wider than the average.
280.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema - (Iredale, 1939)
Australia. WA. Augusta. Dived at ca 25m. September 2014.
F++ / 61mm
90.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema - (Iredale, 1939)
Australia. WA. Sorrento Beach. Dived at 25-35m. May 2000.
F++ / 67mm
140.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema - (Iredale, 1939)
Australia. WA. Albany. Dived at ca 25m. September 2014.
F+++ / 64mm
120.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema - (Iredale, 1939)
Australia. WA. Fremantle. March 2012.
F++ / 76mm
150.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema fma sorrentensis - (Schilder, 1963)
Australia. SWA. Rottnest island. Roe Reef. Dived in cave at 15-20m. 2016.
F++ / 66mm
Not fully smooth to the touch.
50.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema fma sorrentensis - (Schilder, 1963)
Australia. WA. Sorrento reef. December 1995.
F++ / 57mm
not completely smooth to the touch. Very dense spotting.
40.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema fma sorrentensis - Schilder, 1936
Australia. WA. Rottnest island. Dived on sponges at 10-20m. 1992.
F++ / 63.7mm
large. Nice, dark colour.
60.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema fma sorrentensis - Schilder, 1961
Australia. WA. Rottnest island. Dived on sponges at 10-20m. 1992.
F++ / 56mm
central dorsum w/ a few sand inclusions.
40.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta episema fma sorrentensis - Schilder, 1963
Australia. WA. Rottnest island. Dived on sponges at 10-20m. 1992.
F+ / 58mm
a few white spots under the callus.
35.00 EUR
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Zoila venusta roseopunctata - Raybaudi, 1985
Australia. SA. Port Lincoln. May 2001.
F+ / 74.5mm
Small marks under callus
150.00 EUR
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Zoila) rosselli raywalkeri - Lorenz, 2011
Australia. SA. Windy Harbour.
F+ / 49mm
Some waterstains. Very rare species, often faked(baked satiata), but this the real thing! Incredible colour, even in a Zoila.
4300.00 EUR
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Zonaria zonaria - (Gmelin, 1791)
Senegal. N'Gor. At low tide. August 2001.
F+ / 26mm
small scratch at mid-dorsum
5.00 EUR