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Alycaeus distortus - Haines, 1855
Thailand. Phuket. September 1996.
Gem / 9mm
w/o. From Phuket.
8.00 EUR
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Alycaeus somnueki - Panha & Pathamakanthin, 1999
Thailand. ST. Krabi province. PhnomMountain range. July 2001.
Gem / 12-13mm
w/o. white to yellow.
9.50 EUR
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Chamalycaeus diplochilus - Möllendorff, 1887
Malaysia. Pahang. Kota Gelanggi complex. Gua Angin. under dead leaves in forest. November 2000.
F+/Gem / 3mm
animal dried inside.
8.00 EUR
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Crossopoma cornuvenatorium - Gmelin, 1791
Indonesia. Central Sumatra. Padang. Among shrubberies. June 2011.
F+ / 27-31mm
w/o. w/perio. From Padang.
3.00 EUR
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Cyclohelix kibleri - (Fulton, 1907)
Indonesia. W Java. in native forest. March 2018.
F+ / 29mm
5.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus acutimarginatus - Sowerby, 1842
Philippines. Samar. Borongan. in mountain forest. December 2011.
F+/Gem / 23-24mm
Very different patterns (only 2 specimens available: one white with brown pattern, the other almost entirely brown). From Samar.
4.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus alabastrinus - (Pfeiffer, 1855)
Sri Lanka. SSL. Balapitaya. Under dead leaves. May 2002.
F+ / 33mm
5.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus alabatensis - Kobelt, 1886
Philippines. Romblom province. Sibuyan island. August 2012.
F+/Gem / 14-20mm
some w/o. most w/cuticle. From Sibuyan island.
2.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus alabatensis - Kobelt, 1886
Philippines. Palawan. in mountain forest. June 2011.
F+/Gem / 18-20mm
w/cuticle. From Palawan.
2.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus appendiculatus - (Pfeiffer, 1851)
Philippines. Mindanao. Surigao area. in mountain forest. June 2007.
F+/Gem / 19-25mm
different shades and patterns.
1.50 EUR
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Cyclophorus barandae - Hidalgo, 1887
Philippines. Lubang island. In native forest. June 1990.
F+/Gem / 24-26mm
6.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus batanicus - (Quadras and Von Mollendorff, 1894)
Philippines. Batanes islands. August 2002.
F+ / 23-26mm
5.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus coronensis - Quadras and Mollendorff, 1895
Philippines. Palawan. In mountain forest. June 2007.
F+/Gem / 19-21mm
different patterns. Also placed in the genus Leptopoma.
1.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus fernandezi - (Hidalgo, 1890)
Philippines. Sibuyan island. 1970.
F+/F+++ / 10-11mm
2.00 EUR
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Cyclophorus linguiferus - Sowerby, 1841
Philippines. Masbate. February 2011.
F+/F+++ / 24-25mm
different patterns.
2.50 EUR