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Crepidula onyx - Sowerby, 1824
USA. California. Corona del Mar. December 1955.
F/F+  /  28mm
Quite some erosion
2.00 EUR
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Crepidula unguiformis - (Lamarck, 1822)
Spain. SS. off Malaga. Trawled at 50-60m. May 2014.
F+  /  17mm
3.00 EUR
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Crepidula unguiformis - (Lamarck, 1822)
Spain. SS. off Malaga. Trawled at 50-60m.
F++  /  17mm
3.00 EUR
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Crepidula unguiformis - (Lamarck, 1822)
Spain. SS. off Malaga. Trawled at 50-60m.
F+  /  22mm
3.00 EUR
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Sigapatella novaezelandiae - Lesson, 1831
New Zealand. Nelson. Cable Bay. May 2003.
F+  /  24mm
w/most of perio
3.00 EUR
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Sigapatella tenuis - (Gray, 1868)
New Zealand. Wellington. Kapiti coast. January 2012.
F+  /  17-20mm
one shell on top of the other
3.00 EUR
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Trochita trochiformis - (Born, 1778)
Peru. Ilo. April 1994.
F/F+  /  25mm
w/perio. Edge damaged where the shell was lifted from the rocks.
4.00 EUR